Wesley poate fi considerat  în mod lejer „bunicul penticostalismului”. Mişcările „Holiness” derivate din metodism ar fi „părinţii” de drept ai penticostalismului.

Citind în ultima vreme pe tema rădăcinilor penticostalismului, am dat peste o informaţie interesantă: concepţia lui Wesley despre Montanus. Redau în traducere fraza cea mai importantă: „Montanus n-a fost numai un om cu adevărat bun, ci unul dintre cei mai buni oameni de pe pământ, din vremea aceea”.

Despre montanism a vorbit recent Dr. Marius Cruceru la simpozionul ţinut la Biserica Providenţa din Oradea. Sunt curios asupra perspectivei pe care a adoptat-o în referat, fiindcă, dacă semnalele care ajung la mine sunt corecte, montanismul este în curs de reevaluare în ultimele decenii. Ceea ce nu prea se spune în istoriografia ortodoxă, de pildă, este că matroana Perpetua şi sclava ei Felicitas, martirizate în mod barbar la Cartagina (c. 203), aparţineau mişcării montaniste. Vezi monografia The New Prophecy & „New Visions”: Evidence of Montanism in the Passion of Perpetua And Felicitas (Patristic Monograph Series)

Şi acum textul lui Wesley.


There is great variety of opinions, says a late eminent historian, about the time when Montanus first appeared to work signs and miracles; either by the operation of God, as the historian supposes, or by that of the devil transformed; and that in such a manner as nobody was able to discern, because both his life and doctrine were holy and blameless. The time when it began to be doubted, concerning the spirit which operated in him, and moved him after an extraordinary manner, whether it were a good or an evil one, is very uncertain; but it seems to be between the years of Christ 150 and 170. However, so it was, that the sentiments of those sound in the faith, or the Christians in general, were much divided in their judgments.

Of all the ancients, none was more express than he in the mystery of the incarnation, or seemed more to honor the person of Christ, and extol his merits. All the ancient heretics erred greatly from the truth, as to this; but he was clear in this respect, preaching up repentance, and faith in the name of the Lord Jesus alone, as the; one Mediator between God and man. Neither is it denied that he was orthodox in the notion of the Church, as to Christian fellowship, rightly formed, according to the pattern delivered by Christ himself, and knit together by the bond of the Spirit, under Pastors and Officers of several orders, having a clear and certain mission from Him whom they represent; but he, under the character of a Prophet, as an order established in the Church, appeared (without bringing any new doctrine) for reviving what was decayed, and reforming what might be amiss; whereas others that had been judged heretics, were not only preachers of strange and monstrous opinions, but were utter enemies to all manner of discipline in the Church.

It seems, therefore, by the best information we can procure at this distance of time, that Montanus was not only a truly good man, but one of the best men then upon earth; and that his real crime was, the severely reproving those who professed themselves Christians, while they neither had the mind that was in Christ, nor walked as Christ walked; but were conformable both in their temper and practice to the present evil world.

J. Wesley, The Works of John Wesley: Addresses, Essays, and Letters, Albany, OR Ages Software