The Society for Reformation Studies is organizing its 23rd Annual Conference in 2016, themed ‘The Bible in the Reformation’, 5-7 April 2016 at Westminster College in Cambridge, UK.

The publication of Erasmus’ Novum Instrumentum in 1516 marked a significant moment in the Christian humanist scholarship of the early sixteenth century. This revised Latin translation of the New Testament intended to correct the Vulgate, Erasmus’ accompanying edition of the Greek text and his commentaries, suggested new ways of reading the Biblical text and determining its meaning. The availability of a Greek text was to prove inspirational for the early reformers, and made it possible for Martin Luther and others to claim that authority could be derived sola Scriptura, thereby placing the Bible as the foundation and centre of Protestant Christianity.

Marking the 500th anniversary of the Novum Instrumentum, this conference explores the place of the Bible in the Reformation. What theological status did it have? How should the text be read and used? Which text was authoritative? What questions attended the various editions and translations of the Bible published down the decades of the Reformation?

We invite papers (25 minutes maximum) considering these questions from theological, textual and linguistic perspectives; exploring hermeneutical and exegetical issues; or examining the use of the Bible in worship, preaching and devotion.

Leading us in consideration of this theme will be

Hilmar Pabel (Vancouver)
Richard Rex (Cambridge)
Silvana Seidel Menchi (Pisa)
As ever, papers which reflect the current work of participants, regardless of their relevance to the theme, are welcome.

For further information, please contact:

Dr Charlotte Methuen or Dr Allan Smith.

To register please download the booking form: SRS 2016 Booking Form